class Watson::Remote::GitHub

GitHub remote access class Contains all necessary methods to obtain access to, get issue list, and post issues to GitHub



Debug printing for this class

Public Class Methods

get_issues(config) click to toggle source

Get all remote GitHub issues and store into Config container class

# File lib/watson/github.rb, line 216
def get_issues(config)

        # Identify method entry
        debug_print "#{ self.class } : #{ __method__ }\n"

        # Only attempt to get issues if API is specified 
        if config.github_api.empty?
                debug_print "No API found, this shouldn't be called...\n"
                return false

        # Get all open tickets
        # Create options hash to pass to Remote::http_call 
        # Issues URL for GitHub + SSL
        opts = {:url        => "{ config.github_repo }/issues?labels=watson&state=open",
                        :ssl        => true,
                        :method     => "GET",
                        :auth              => config.github_api, 
                        :verbose    => false 

        _json, _resp  = Watson::Remote.http_call(opts)
        # Check response to validate repo access
        if _resp.code != "200"
                Printer.print_status "x", RED
                print BOLD + "Unable to access remote #{ config.github_repo }, GitHub API may be invalid\n" + RESET
                print "      Consider running --remote (-r) option to regenerate key\n\n"
                print "      Status: #{ _resp.code } - #{ _resp.message }\n"

                debug_print "GitHub invalid, setting config var\n"
                config.github_valid = false
                return false

        config.github_issues[:open] = _json.empty? ? : _json
        config.github_valid = true
        # Get all closed tickets
        # Create option hash to pass to Remote::http_call
        # Issues URL for GitHub + SSL
        opts = {:url        => "{ config.github_repo }/issues?labels=watson&state=closed",
                        :ssl        => true,
                        :method     => "GET",
                        :auth              => config.github_api, 
                        :verbose    => false 

        _json, _resp  = Watson::Remote.http_call(opts)

        # Check response to validate repo access
        # Shouldn't be necessary if we passed the last check but just to be safe
        if _resp.code != "200"
                Printer.print_status "x", RED
                print BOLD + "Unable to get closed issues.\n" + RESET
                print "      Since the open issues were obtained, something is probably wrong and you should file a bug report or something...\n" 
                print "      Status: #{ _resp.code } - #{ _resp.message }\n"
                debug_print "GitHub invalid, setting config var\n"
                config.github_valid = false
                return false

        config.github_issues[:closed] = _json.empty? ? : _json
        config.github_valid = true
        return true
post_issue(issue, config) click to toggle source

Post given issue to remote GitHub repo

# File lib/watson/github.rb, line 289
def post_issue(issue, config)
# [todo] - Better way to identify/compare remote->local issues than md5
#                Current md5 based on some things that easily can change, need better ident

        # Identify method entry
        debug_print "#{ self.class } : #{ __method__ }\n"
        # Only attempt to get issues if API is specified 
        if config.github_api.empty?
                debug_print "No API found, this shouldn't be called...\n"
                return false

        # Check that issue hasn't been posted already by comparing md5s
        # Go through all open issues, if there is a match in md5, return out of method
        # [todo] - Play with idea of making body of GitHub issue hash format to be exec'd
        #               Store pieces in text as :md5 => "whatever" so when we get issues we can
        #               call exec and turn it into a real hash for parsing in watson
        #               Makes watson code cleaner but not as readable comment on GitHub...?
        debug_print "Checking open issues to see if already posted\n"
        config.github_issues[:open].each do | _open | 
                if _open["body"].include?(issue[:md5])
                        debug_print "Found in #{ _open["title"] }, not posting\n"
                        return false
                debug_print "Did not find in #{ _open["title"] }\n"
        debug_print "Checking closed issues to see if already posted\n"
        config.github_issues[:closed].each do  | _closed | 
                if _closed["body"].include?(issue[:md5])
                        debug_print "Found in #{ _closed["title"] }, not posting\n"
                        return false
                debug_print "Did not find in #{ _closed["title"] }\n"

        # We didn't find the md5 for this issue in the open or closed issues, so safe to post

        # Create the body text for the issue here, too long to fit nicely into opts hash
        # [review] - Only give relative path for privacy when posted
        _body = "__filename__ : #{ issue[:path] }\n" +
                        "__line #__ : #{ issue[:line_number] }\n" + 
                        "__tag__ : #{ issue[:tag] }\n" +
                        "__md5__ : #{ issue[:md5] }\n\n" +
                        "#{ issue[:context].join }\n"
        # Create option hash to pass to Remote::http_call
        # Issues URL for GitHub + SSL
        opts = {:url        => "{ config.github_repo }/issues",
                        :ssl        => true,
                        :method     => "POST",
                        :auth              => config.github_api, 
                        :data              => { "title" => issue[:title] + " [#{ issue[:path] }]",
                                                         "labels" => [issue[:tag], "watson"],
                                                         "body" => _body },
                        :verbose    => false 

        _json, _resp  = Watson::Remote.http_call(opts)

        # Check response to validate repo access
        # Shouldn't be necessary if we passed the last check but just to be safe
        if _resp.code != "201"
                Printer.print_status "x", RED
                print BOLD + "Post unsuccessful. \n" + RESET
                print "      Since the open issues were obtained earlier, something is probably wrong and you should let someone know...\n" 
                print "      Status: #{ _resp.code } - #{ _resp.message }\n"
                return false

        return true  
setup(config) click to toggle source

Setup remote access to GitHub Get Username, Repo, and PW and perform necessary HTTP calls to check validity

# File lib/watson/github.rb, line 25
def setup(config)

        # Identify method entry
        debug_print "#{ self.class } : #{ __method__ }\n"

        Printer.print_status "+", GREEN
        print BOLD + "Obtaining OAuth Token for GitHub...\n" + RESET
        # Check config to make sure no previous API exists
        unless config.github_api.empty? && config.github_repo.empty?
                Printer.print_status "!", RED
                print BOLD + "Previous GitHub API + Repo is in RC, are you sure you want to overwrite?\n" + RESET
                print "      (Y)es/(N)o: "

                # Get user input
                _overwrite = $stdin.gets.chomp
                if ["no", "n"].include?(_overwrite.downcase)
                        print "\n"
                        Printer.print_status "x", RED
                        print BOLD + "Not overwriting current GitHub API + repo info\n" + RESET
                        return false

        Printer.print_status "!", YELLOW
        print BOLD + "Access to your GitHub account required to make/update issues\n" + RESET
        print "      See help or README for more details on GitHub/Bitbucket access\n\n"

        # [todo] - Don't just check for blank password but invalid as well
        # Poor mans username/password grabbing
        print BOLD + "Username: " + RESET
        _username = $stdin.gets.chomp
        if _username.empty?
                Printer.print_status "x", RED
                print BOLD + "Input blank. Please enter your username!\n\n" + RESET
                return false

        # [fix] - Crossplatform password block needed, not sure if current method is safe either
        # Block output to tty to prevent PW showing, Linux/Unix only :(
        print BOLD + "Password: " + RESET
        system "stty -echo"
        _password = $stdin.gets.chomp
        system "stty echo"
        print "\n\n"
        if _password.empty?
                Printer.print_status "x", RED
                print BOLD + "Input is blank. Please enter your password!\n\n" + RESET
                return false

        # HTTP Request to get OAuth Token
        # GitHub API v3 -

        # Create options hash to pass to Remote::http_call 
        # Auth URL for GitHub + SSL
        # Repo scope + notes for watson
        # Basic auth with user input
        opts = {:url        => "",
                        :ssl        => true,
                        :method     => "POST",
                        :basic_auth => [_username, _password],
                        :data       => {"scopes" => ["repo"], 
                                             "note" => "watson", 
                                                "note_url" => "" }, 
                        :verbose    => false

        _json, _resp  = Watson::Remote.http_call(opts)

        # Check response to validate authorization
        if _resp.code == "201"
                Printer.print_status "o", GREEN
                print BOLD + "Obtained OAuth Token\n\n" + RESET
                Printer.print_status "x", RED
                print BOLD + "Unable to obtain OAuth Token\n" + RESET
                print "      Status: #{ _resp.code } - #{ _resp.message }\n\n"
                return false
        # Store API key obtained from POST to @config.github_api
        config.github_api = _json["token"]
        debug_print "Config GitHub API Key updated to: #{ config.github_api }\n"

        # Get repo information, if blank give error
        Printer.print_status "!", YELLOW
        print BOLD + "Repo information required\n" + RESET
        print "      Please provide owner that repo is under followed by repo name\n"
        print "      e.g. owner: nhmood, repo: watson (case sensitive)\n"
        print "      See help or README for more details on GitHub access\n\n"

        print BOLD + "Owner: " + RESET
        _owner = $stdin.gets.chomp
        if _owner.empty?
                print "\n"
                Printer.print_status "x", RED
                print BOLD + "Input blank. Please enter the owner the repo is under!\n\n" + RESET
                return false

        print BOLD + "Repo: " + RESET
        _repo = $stdin.gets.chomp
        if _repo.empty?
                print "\n"
                Printer.print_status "x", RED
                print BOLD + "Input blank. Please enter the repo name!\n\n" + RESET
                return false

        # Make call to GitHub API to create new label for Issues
        # If status returns not 404, then we have access to repo (+ it exists)
        # If 422, then (most likely) the label already exists

        # Create options hash to pass to Remote::http_call 
        # Label URL for GitHub + SSL
        # Auth token
        opts = {:url        => "{ _owner }/#{ _repo }/labels",
                        :ssl        => true,
                        :method     => "POST",
                        :auth              => config.github_api, 
                        :data       => {"name" => "watson", 
                                                "color" => "00AEEF" }, 
                        :verbose    => false

        _json, _resp  = Watson::Remote.http_call(opts)

        # [review] - This is pretty messy, maybe clean it up later   
        # Check response to validate repo access
        if _resp.code == "404"
                print "\n"
                Printer.print_status "x", RED
                print BOLD + "Unable to access /#{ _owner }/#{ _repo } with given credentials\n" + RESET
                print "      Check that credentials are correct and repository exists under user\n"
                print "      Status: #{ _resp.code } - #{ _resp.message }\n\n"
                return false

                # If it is anything but a 404, I THINK it means we have access...
                # Will assume that until proven otherwise
                print "\n"
                Printer.print_status "o", GREEN
                print BOLD + "Repo successfully accessed\n\n" + RESET
        # Store owner/repo obtained from POST to @config.github_repo
        config.github_repo = "#{ _owner }/#{ _repo }"
        debug_print "Config GitHub API Key updated to: #{ config.github_repo }\n"

        # Inform user of label creation status (created above) 
        Printer.print_status "+", GREEN
        print BOLD + "Creating label for watson on GitHub...\n" + RESET
        if _resp.code == "201"
                Printer.print_status "+", GREEN
                print BOLD + "Label successfully created\n" + RESET
        elsif _resp.code == "422" && _json["code"] == "already_exists"
                Printer.print_status "!", YELLOW
                print BOLD + "Label already exists\n" + RESET
                Printer.print_status "x", RED
                print BOLD + "Unable to create label for /#{ _owner }/#{ _repo }\n" + RESET
                print "      Status: #{ _resp.code } - #{ _resp.message }\n"

        # All setup has been completed, need to update RC
        # Call config updater/writer from @config to write config    
        debug_print "Updating config with new GitHub info\n"
        config.update_conf("github_api", "github_repo")

        # Give user some info
        print "\n"
        Printer.print_status "o", GREEN
        print BOLD + "GitHub successfully setup\n" + RESET
        print "      Issues will now automatically be retrieved from GitHub by default\n"
        print "      Use -p, --push to post issues to GitHub\n"
        print "      See help or README for more details on GitHub/Bitbucket access\n\n"

        return true
